This blog tracks Australian news and research relating to speeding, speed cameras, road safety and related technologies including; insurance telematics and intelligent speed adaptation (ISA).

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Vic speed cam commissioner wants your complaints

Gordon Lewis is a former County Court judge who is Victoria's new speed camera commissioner,  who is a welcome addition to the checks and balances that already exist on Victoria's traffic cameras.
Mr Lewis wants motorists to contact him with their complaints about the controversial cameras. He expects to be swamped, but sees finding out what concerns people have and taking action on them as the best way of changing their negative view of speed cameras into a positive one.
He has been given wide-ranging powers to investigate every aspect of Victoria's traffic camera system. While he can't force the Government to make the changes he recommends, he has been given assurances that action will be taken on his findings.
To help ensure that is the case, Mr Lewis will make his recommendations public, meaning if the Government chooses not to heed those recommendations then we will all know about it and much negative publicity for the Government will ensue.  Read More  also  check out

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

SA - Double your demerit points from 1st Sept

South Australia - The new demerit points/fines for offences after 1 September, 2012 include; Drivers up to 10km/h over the limit will be fined $150 and gain two demerit points. Over 10km/h but less than 20km/h will be fined $330 and gain three demerit points. General fine amounts were dropped for lesser breaches, with higher demerit point total adapted, leaving routine speeders a pay less and learn or walk option. Minister for Road Safety, Jennifer Rankine, said repeat speeders should consider themselves warned.  Since the announcement of the new fine system some 180,000 letters had been delivered to drivers with low demerit point allowances, including learner and provisional licence holders. Read More
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How Much Does A Speed Camera Make

The most profitable speed camera in the UK has been found, on average 789 drivers are caught by the camera every month. As a result, the camera makes around £586,000 a year in fines.  Back here in OZ, NSW's most profitable cameras, including the highly unpopular one on Cleveland Street at Moore Park collected $2.2 million in fines in the last financial year. Read more

No more speeding tickets -SpeedAlert-Live the free app that protects your driving license from the risks of unintentional speeding.

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With Nearly 100m Views This Stuff Is Dynamite

Here at SpeedAlert we are big fans of TED Talks, in fact we Sponsored TEDx Youth @ The Scots College  with some fabulous speakers including Malcolm Turnbull's excellent talk on China which has over 700 views,  but here is TED's list of Top 20 Talks, with these kind of viewing numbers  they are almost up there with  Susan Boyle and Maru the funny cat.

Whats you favourite TED Talk, let us know in comments below.

  • Sir Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity(2006): 13,409,417 views
  • Jill Bolte Taylor‘s stroke of insight(2008): 10,409,851
  • Pranav Mistry on the thrilling potential of SixthSense(2009): 9,223,263
  • David Gallo‘s underwater astonishments(2007): 7,879,541
  • Pattie Maes and Pranav Mistry demo SixthSense(2009): 7,467,580
  • Tony Robbins asks Why we do what we do(2006): 6,879,488
  • Simon Sinek on how great leaders inspire action(2010): 6,050,294
  • Steve Jobs on how to live before you die(2005): 5,444,022
  • Hans Rosling shows the best stats you’ve ever seen(2006): 4,966,643
  • Brene Brown talks about the power of vulnerability(2010): 4,763,038
  • Daniel Pink on the surprising science of motivation(2009): 4,706,241
  • Arthur Benjamin does mathemagic(2005): 4,658,425
  • Elizabeth Gilbert on nurturing your genius(2009): 4,538,037
  • Dan Gilbert asks: Why are we happy?(2004): 4,269,082
  • Stephen Hawking asks big questions about the universe(2008): 4,153,105
  • Jeff Han demos his breakthrough multi-touchscreen(2006): 3,891,251
  • Johnny Lee shows Wii Remote hacks for educators(2008): 3,869,417
  • Keith Barry does brain magic(2004): 3,847,893
  • Mary Roach 10 things you didn’t know about orgasm(2009): 3,810,630
  • Vijay Kumar demos robots that fly like birds (2012): 3,535,340
    1. No more speeding tickets -SpeedAlert-Live the free app that protects your driving license from the risks of unintentional speeding.

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  • Monday, August 27, 2012

    WA double speed cameras but NSW still has the most

    WA's fixed speed camera fleet  will double, however, WA ranks lowest across the nation in the fixed camera tally.  It is believed New South Wales leads the states with 130 fixed speed cameras, Victoria ranks second with 22, and Queensland and South Australia follow with 15. Read more 

    No more speeding tickets -SpeedAlert-Live the free app that protects your driving license from the risks of unintentional speeding.

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    Friday, August 24, 2012

    National Road safety Forum (Aug2012) Focuses on Corporate Responsibility for Road Safety

    National Road safety Forum  convened by the Parliamentary Secretary for Infrastructure and Transport, the Hon Catherine King MP on 24th aug 2012 included a Session on Corporate Responsibility for Road Safety
    Facilitated by Lauchlan McIntosh AM, ACRS and ANCAP
    with Presentations by 
    Jeff Potter National Transport Commission
    Melanie Gordon BHP Billiton
    Naomi Milne Energy Resources of Australia
    David Provan Origin Energy
    Ken Thompson Australasian Fleet Management Association
    Rob McInerney International Road Assessment Program

    But until the driveless car available we suggest you  avoid speeding fines with  SpeedAlert-Live the free app that protects your driving license from the risks of unintentional speeding.  www.speedalertlive.comFound this Blog interesting?  Please consider sharing. 

    Tuesday, August 21, 2012

    QLD- Review after 46 young driver fatalities in past seven months

    DRIVING tests for young Queenslanders soon could be tougher.

    The state government is planning an overhaul of driving tests, driver training qualifications and tests conditions, the first in 14 years.
    "The recommendations include redesigning the test format, reviewing the test locations and changing driver examiner qualifications," he said.
    "The panel concluded the government should consider changes that 'more effectively assesses whether a learner driver with a minimum 100 hours of supervised driving is competent and safe enough behind the wheel to progress to a provisional licence'.
    "It's important that Q-SAFE reflects the work done by parents and driving instructors, in addition to programs run by groups such as RACQ and Rotary to develop young drivers."
    Perhaps SpeedAlerting technology should be considered as well.

    No more speeding tickets -SpeedAlert-Live the free app that protects your driving license from the risks of unintentional speeding.

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    Monday, August 20, 2012

    WA - Are Point to Point Cameras the Way Forward

    Fixed speed cameras on Perth's freeways are a waste of money and should be replaced with devices that measure average speed over a distance, the State Government's speed enforcement adviser warned yesterday.
    Professor Max Cameron said he had recommended WA use the point-to-point cameras, which were a greater deterrent to speeding and more cost-effective than fixed cameras.
    Jeremy Woolley, from South Australia's Centre for Automotive Safety Research, said point-to-point cameras were the "way of the future". "They are cutting-edge devices and can offer wider road safety benefits," he said.
    Police Minister Liza Harvey said analysis of the current police speed enforcement program was needed before any decision was made on point-to-point cameras.

    Who Gets More Speeding Tickets Men or Women?

    Research for the USA show men are nearly twice more likely to get a speeding ticket.  

    Topping the list is the finding that men are cited for reckless driving 3.41 more times than women. Reckless driving is considered one of the most serious traffic offenses by courts since it implies a disregard for the rights and safety of people or property.  Violations for which men scored at least 50 percent higher than women: Read more
    Reckless driving3.41
    Seatbelt violations3.08
    Failure to yield1.54
    Stop sign/signal violation1.53

    No more speeding tickets -SpeedAlert-Live the free app that protects your driving license from the risks of unintentional speeding.

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    Thursday, August 16, 2012

    Changing habits (like speed compliance) is hard unless....

    You make changing the habit FUN...... This is something VW thought about In Sweden and came up with some vert creative solutions.

    How about changing your habit of letting your speed creep  which on a bad day can cost you a fine, points or worse.
    No more speeding tickets -SpeedAlert-Live the free app that protects your driving license from the risks of unintentional speeding.

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    Wednesday, August 15, 2012

    White label driving simulator app to hit market in Sept with 3 UK insurers.

    Telematics insurance business Wunelli has launched a smartphone safe driving simulator app which allows young motorists to test their driving skills and determine whether they can save on car insurance.

     "This app is designed to help young people get over the fear that Big Brother is watching them when a black box is installed in their car. It does exactly the same thing as black box in that you open up the app and press start. It just records when you are driving. When you press stop, it sends the data to us. If the data suggests they are good drivers, policyholders might be more inclined to use black box technology, buy a telematics car insurance policy and therefore save money."

    Wunelli's own simulator app, Drives Like Who, is already available. It assesses the driver based on a quick snapshot of their journey. Their driving style is then matched to one of 10 fictional characters, from Christine Cruiser to Barry Browntrousers, with scores for each key aspect of their driving style.

    Sandy Dunn, chairman of Wunelli, said: "The success of usage-based insurance relies on insurers helping customers understand how telematics works before they buy and allay any fears about monitoring.

    "Some apps, like Drives Like Who, require no registration, but insurers may wish to use the apps to gain an understanding of the customer's driving behaviour before they take out telematics insurance."

    No more speeding tickets -SpeedAlert-Live the free app that protects your driving license from the risks of unintentional speeding.

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    UK insurer trials 'pay-how-you-drive' smartphone insurance app

    Aviva is inviting motorists to trial a new smartphone app which will be used to calculate tailored 'pay-how-you-drive' motor insurance premiums.

    The driver behavioural app, Aviva RateMyDrive, will monitor motorists taking part in the test for 200 miles, including acceleration, braking and cornering. The data is then turned into an individual 'score' which helps determine the motorist's premium. Safer drivers stand to earn a discount of up to 20% on their motor insurance

    The UK insurance group has been a pioneer in trialling in-car black box telematics, which monitor driver behaviour and car use on the road, but the technology is expensive and considered intrusive by prospective users.

     "Unlike traditional 'black box' telematics solutions, Aviva RateMyDrive app only needs a small amount of data - typically 200 miles - to create an individual driver profile. And because the app is free to download and uses the customer's own smartphone, there is no need for motorists to have a black box installed in their car."

     "For those who complete the RateMyDrive app trial, we will provide feedback on their driving and a quote - including any discount earned from safer driving - should they wish to take out Aviva insurance."

    Read More

    No more speeding tickets -SpeedAlert-Live the free app that protects your driving license from the risks of unintentional speeding.

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    Tuesday, August 14, 2012

    ACRS Conference looks at Speed Alerting (ISA) technologies

    Watch 5min edit of presentation cover latest developements in ISA, featuring SpeedAlert Live

    SpeedAlert Leads The Way
    SpeedAlert Live featured in a  presentation by leading road safety expert Ian Faulks of  whom gave  a presentation covering the latest developments in  and  Human factors  of Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA) Devises at the Leading Road Safety Conference ACRS 2012.

    Covered in his presentation and following discussions where:

    *2011 Trial assessment results of SatNavs claiming  ISA (Speed Alerting) capabilities (NavMan Ezy30, Navig8r M35, TomTomGo & Otto Mobile). Non of the devises  came close to achieving the maximum score.

    Advances Now Driven By Private Sector
    Whilst government backed trials and research have proven the benefits of ISA / Speed Alerting and it national and state policy recommend adoption of  ISA / Speed Alerting no standards have been agreed upon.  The Private sector are not waiting and bring out various alerting solutions some evasion centric, the free SpeedAlert live mobile app was cited as a good  of compliance centric technology that addressed the needs of the driving public.

    Insurance is the Killer App
    *That Usage based insurance or pay how you drive insurance should be one of the biggest drivers of adoption of ISA, in Europe and the USA this was happening rapidly and whilst the National Road Safety Strategy  identified this much work remained to be done.


    No more speeding tickets -SpeedAlert-Live the free app that protects your driving license from the risks of unintentional speeding.

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    NSW Road Safety Strategy 'Supports ISA / Speed Alerting tech uptake

    The new NSW Road Safety  Draft Strategy 2012-2021 follows  the launch of the National Road Safety Strategy 2011-2020.The Report  includes recommendations:
     *Develop systems to encourage the uptake of Intelligent Speed Adaptation for motorists.
    *Establishment a NSW Community Road Safety fund, into which money raised from red-light, point-to-point and speed cameras will be directed to fund road safety programs.

    Research  found that almost a quarter of people report that they speed all or most of the time. Annual speed surveys also suggest that broadly eight per cent of drivers exceed the speed limit by more than 10km/h.

    Last year, 368 people died on the state's roads while 6522 were seriously injured. But so far this year, the road toll is already 10 per cent higher than at the same time last year. Speeding, drink driving, fatigue and not wearing seatbelts were the major causes of accidents and deaths on our roads, NSW Injury Risk Management Research Centre road safety chair Raphael Grzebieta said.
    The strategy hopes to reduce the number of deaths and serious injuries on the state's roads by at least 30 per cent by 2021
    Road safety experts backed the plan to adopt a "safe system" approach to drastically reduce the number of people dying and being seriously injured on the state's roads each year. The George Institute for Global Health injury research director and road safety expert, Professor Rebecca Ivers, supported the new approach and said it took the focus off trying to change the behaviour of individual road users.  Read more

    No more speeding tickets -SpeedAlert-Live the free app that protects your driving license from the risks of unintentional speeding.

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    Monday, August 13, 2012

    Research: Elderly Driving - George Institute @ ACRS conference

    Speed Alert where proud to support the George Institute as technical partner  in their important research into driving behaviours of the elderly. Lauren Meredith presented a paper on 'Validation of an in-vehicle monitoring device for measuring driving exposure'  at the The 2012 Australasian College of Road Safety national conference -Sydney 9 and 10 August 2012. The Conference aims were to take road safety to the next level of knowledge and implementation and to assist in the translation of research into action in keeping with the Safe System and Decade of Action . 

    Smart Car Technologies pty ltd  and its SpeedAlert and SpeedAlert Live technologies have been involved in numerous trials and research projects  both in Australia and the UK.

    No more speeding tickets -SpeedAlert-Live the free app that protects your driving license from the risks of unintentional speeding.

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    Friday, August 10, 2012

    Speeding fine can cost more than cash and points, Top Cop Loses Credibility

    Jan 2010 - Victoria’s top road cop Ken Lay said   his speeding offence cost him considerable  credibility with the public after he was nabbed speeding through a country town  in October 2009

    "I feel embarrassed - I’ve left my road safety partners down, I’ve let the community down, I’ve let myself down - now I need to build up credibility again.’’

    Deputy Commissioner Lay, who lost three demerit points for doing 80km/h in a 70km/h zone when he passed through the town of Tooborac on the Northern Highway, said it was his first blunder in 35 years of driving.  Read More

    No more speeding tickets -SpeedAlert-Live the free app that protects your driving license from the risks of unintentional speeding.

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    Victoria Top Speed Cop says more camera to be installed , they work..

    MORE speed cameras will be installed in high-risk accident areas as figures show Victorians are driving slower than ever.
    The VicRoads statistics indicate a link between steadily declining rates of speed and fewer road deaths in the past 14 years.

    The average speed in 60km/h zones has dropped by 10 per cent since 1998. By last year, the annual road toll in 60km/h zones in metropolitan Melbourne plunged from 102 to 30.

    "The statistics show the camera system is working, drivers are slowing down and that saves lives," said Victoria's top traffic officer, Assistant Commissioner Robert Hill.

    "If you don't speed, you have nothing to worry about. It's only those in the minority who speed who have a problem with the cameras." This year's state road toll of 165 is 22 down on the same time last year....
    No more speeding tickets -SpeedAlert-Live the free app that protects your driving license from the risks of unintentional speeding.

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    Thursday, August 9, 2012

    VIC - Point to Point Speed Cameras Active

    No more speeding tickets -SpeedAlert-Live the free app that protects your driving license from the risks of unintentional speeding.

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    A $200,000 speeding ticket, that must really suck.

    How does a $200,000 speeding ticket grab you? For driving a mere 25 mph over the limit? Well, we're not talking about the U.S. -- this world-record speeding fine was levied in Finland -- but did you know that the maximum fine for speeding in some areas of Canada could reach $25,000?  Read more

    No more speeding tickets -SpeedAlert-Live the free app that protects your driving license from the risks of unintentional speeding.

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    Number of speed tickets sky rocket to over 1m

    Police have issued more than a million speed camera tickets in two years on the back of lower tolerance levels during holiday periods. The number of tickets issued from fixed and mobile camera sites has skyrocketed since 2009, when 330,714 tickets were issued - as digital technology was bedded in. In 2010, 628,793 tickets were issued, up 89% on 2009, and last year 628,006 tickets were sent out. Fines went from $21m in 2009 to $37m last year, a 76% increase.   Read More....

    No more speeding tickets -SpeedAlert-Live the free app that protects your driving license from the risks of unintentional speeding.

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