This blog tracks Australian news and research relating to speeding, speed cameras, road safety and related technologies including; insurance telematics and intelligent speed adaptation (ISA).

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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

QLD police to notify each time they set up a speed camera

POLICE will have to inform Queenslanders each time they set-up a new speed camera under a new "e-government" plan

OLICE will have to inform Queenslanders each time they set-up a new speed camera under a new "e-government" plan.Premier Campbell Newman used his estimates hearing debut in Parliament on Tuesday to announce a "data revolution" for Queensland.

Mr Newman said the Government would "throw out everything" it had onto a website to make sure the public was informed.
"We intend to release that information on a regular basis," he said.
But by everything Mr Newman means everything government department director-generals deem appropriate.
He flagged asking police to release information regarding speed camera locations, traffic data and the electrical consumption of government agencies.

"Open access to information held by the State Government will help stimulate the development of new, innovative applications by all sorts of private individuals, companies and non-government organisations," Mr Newman said.
An Open Data Reform Group will work with Mr Stevens to establish the site and select information for release. The website is still under construction.  Read more...

No more speeding tickets -SpeedAlert-Live the free app that protects your driving license from the risks of unintentional speeding.

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